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Shema Israel Amulet - Sterling Silver

SKU: prod-3191

This sterling silver amulet is special for two reasons: it is the oldest known amulet bearing these biblical verses, and it was designed to be seen, not concealed, just like a piece of jewelry. The leaf-shaped pendant is incised on one side with the first four verses of Shema (Hear O Israel; Deuteronomy 6:4-7). The first of these is intertwined with the first verse of Psalm 91, and the last is followed by Proverbs 18:10. These biblical verses appear on other amulets and in incantations, but the manner in which they are combined here is unique. Unlike other amulets of the Byzantine period, this example does not bear incantations, mention the names of angels or the owner, or specify the type of danger from which it was supposed to protect. Judging from the verses, it seems that the amulet was meant to safeguard travelers. Hear, O you who dwell O Israel in the shelter of The Lord the Most High our God, and in the protection of the Lord Shaddai is one. Abide.(Deut.6:4;Ps.91:1) You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Take these instructions with which I charge you this day to heart. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you lie down and when you get up. (Deut. 6:5-7) A tower of strength is the name of the Lord, to which a righteous man runs and is safe. (Prov. 18:10)

Price: $200.00
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  • Measures 1.6 X 2 inches
  • Sterling Silver

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