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Hanukkah marks the happy ending for 2020!

Hanukkah marks the happy ending for 2020!

It's almost time to say goodbye to 2020!

The streets are getting festive, end of year holiday sales are all around us, the kids are starting to learn Hanukkah songs at school and all around, it seems like this revolution around the sun is nearing to a close. As we bid our farewell of the last 365 days, let's pat ourselves on the back.

Looking back at any year is always a great opportunity to contemplate on decisions, goals and our future. Carefully glimpsing back at 2020, gently, so it won't notice you're looking and decide to stay, reveals how strong and resilient you are.

Almost since it came, 2020 has given us a difficult time, but we prevailed. Look at the year you've had. See all the wonderful things that came from the unexpected halt. It's great to hear families describe their renewed sense of togetherness, following the time they spent closed in while the outside world was taking its much needed nap.

In 2020, we had the chance to slow down, and enjoy the simpler things. In addition to our family, we see a rise in amature gardening. Many people rediscovered their love of creation through growing flowers, herbs and plants while marvelling at the beauty of creation. For us, even a growing flower can symbolize divine care, making it easier to get through this year's challenges.

While shops, workplaces and schools took a break from operating, one thing never stopped - Time. our clocks kept ticking, days passed on, keeping us hopeful and expectant for the next good thing to come, like the holidays. We enjoyed a familiar and intimate Pessach and Shavuot, Rosh HaShana, Kippur and even Sukkot during this outbreak!

The holidays did feel a bit different with less family members grouping together and possibly not our usual location, but they were great pauses, wonderful refreshers and reminded us that "this too shall pass", with our loved ones, great food and a smile.

As the world around us prepares for a set of holidays to end this year, we are getting ready to celebrate Hanukkah, and the timing couldn't be better.

Sales in all the major stores, festively decorated streets and work holidays make this season a special one.

The rules around meeting and gathering are different from location to location, and many people plan to celebrate the upcoming holidays together. We remind you to be mindful of your and your loved ones health while choosing your fun way to end the year.

Whether you're going to an intimate party or even counting down together online, we thought you'd like a few gift options we've gathered, that could make anyone welcome 2021 with a smile.

Having a fun wooden board delivered to a friend's house, along with a lovely note, could really make their new years and Hanukkah happier.

If you're hosting or invited to a gathering, consider picking up the O Washing Cup and Vase. It's a unique item guaranteed to shift the conversation from germs to geometric design.

Another great option for anyone who likes a beautifully set table, is the Israeli Flag Table Runner. Colorful, cheerful and spacious, for a table loaded with good food and good vibes.

These and other wonderful items are available for you in the Table Top category.

For the last few weeks, kids have already been humming Hanukkah tunes all around us. While we were wondering if it's not a bit too soon, we discovered that Hanukkah is just around the corner.

The younger generation is already getting ready to light the Hanukkiah, making homemade ones with anything handy, so it must be time for us to start thinking about celebrating this fun holiday.

Hanukkah is a joyful time since it comes with built in festiveness. There are so many songs to sing together as a family while lighting the Hanukkiah. Some families actually whip out their musical instruments at this time and show their talents. The food is designed to make us happily satisfied with oil and carbs. The kids can take an active part in lighting their own Hanukkiah and in spinning the dreidel while playing games around it.

The weather leaves little options for outdoor activities and we gather as a group of appreciative people who choose to spend time together, and thank Hashem for helping the weak triumph the strong. This year, that lesson seems to resonate stronger than before. At some points during 2020, the uncertainty was so great, we weren't sure who's the weak and who mans the strong position anymore.

And here we are, at the end of the year, on the prevailing side, almost looking a vaccine in the eye. Congratulate yourself for being on the right side of this ordeal and for possibly making the best of the passing months. What's a better way to congratulate yourself than to get a little something fun? This Festive Dreidel Tid Bit will make a wonderful serving dish for our traditionally fried Hanukkah foods, but it's also OK with carrying other, healthier options. The Latke Platter and bowl set will really get your family into the spirit of Hanukkah and might set off some singing around the house.

In some ways, Hanukkah's timing is absolutely wonderful. As kids, we all looked around at the other holidays celebrated at the end of year and wanted a piece of their pie. Hanukkah being celebrated around the same time, helps teach the kids of the fact that we all share a planet but celebrate it slightly differently. It also makes us feel less guilty about enjoying the sales and all the twinkly lights. It is a festive season for us too, and a wonderful way to wrap up a year.

So to get yourself and your loved ones in the right mindset to end such a year, we wanted to wish you a very happy Hanukkah, a wonderful end of 2020, and a surprisingly great 2021!

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