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Sukkot in Style

Sukkot in Style

Isn’t Sukkot the best holiday ever? Well, it’s right up there with Passover, Rosh HaShana, Purim and Shavuot! Okay, all holidays are awesome, but Sukkot is special. It’s connected with unique memories and smells of grass, outdoors and visiting the neighboring Sukkas.

This is a holiday where we choose to leave our homes, we agree to move out of our air conditioned comfort zones and live outside, under the skies. There might be some bugs involved, there’s often a cat around, and yet, we mount a table in the Sukkah and sing our holiday songs for all to hear. 

The seven days of Sukkot are meant to remind us of the times where the ancient Hebrew tribe, our ancestors, walked in the desert after being liberated from their long time enslavement in Egypt. Compared to their feats, it’s probably not too bad to sit in our decorated cubes, eat delicious holiday meals in the company of the people we love.

Another reason for the seven days of this holiday is its time in the year - we celebrate Sukkot around the time of the harvest, that’s why it’s called Hag HaAssif. This agricultural connection reminds us of our strong bond with the circle of the year and nature. How we are basically a part of the four seasons, always coming and going, living healthily and happily regardless of tiny meaningless events that might trouble and weigh us down. We look at the beautiful holiday table, heaped with favorite delights and we thank Hashem for providing us with such agricultural wealth, when it’s time to collect -  to La’asof, from the field.

During our seven days in the Sukkah, we host our Ushpizin - the guests. Those are not just any guests, but the great people of our history and tradition. Each day we host a different ‘superstar’, to show our gratitude for their part in bringing our people to where they are today. Who wouldn’t want to have dinner with the great King David? Well, Sukkot is your chance! We hear he’s a big fan of Gefilte fish.

When we think back of past holidays, the little things come to mind. The way the table was set, our favorite food prepared, that one cousin that surprised us and attended at the very last minute. Try and imagine your very best holiday over the last few years and ask yourself what made it so special and unique. The answer often revolves around the very basic things that turn us into the people we are, the few things in life we really care about. Food, first of all of course, and the people we love.

Being happy with our loved ones, laughing with them and creating memories that will last a lifetime, is often what motivates us to work hard towards these holidays. Thinking back to how great it was last year, is probably what drives us to do all that shopping, carrying, cooking and cleaning in preparation for the same fun to be had this year.

This year, we invite you to create an extra special atmosphere for your holiday. Whether you’re hosting the meal or going to another home, prepare in advance by getting a few selected items from our Sukkot category, which are guaranteed to increase levels of smiles and gratitude around the table.

This round table cloth is made especially for Sukkot. Sized to fit most dinner tables, it shows our distinguished Ushpizin, so you won’t forget to say Bete’avon to them as well, before you sink your teeth into that delicious Kiggell. This table cloth is made of high quality fabric and is white, so it can make a great gift for your hosts or to add that interesting touch to your own table.

The Etrog is the most acclaimed of all four fruits of the holiday. As the fruit that symbolizes the true character of a jew - holds both scent and taste, we value it most. We make sure it stays safe and no harm comes to it, so why not do it in style? This Anodized Aluminum Etrog Box comes in a fun design so that your Etrog could enjoy its protected home in peace.

Can’t help but carry too many items into the Sukkah at once? We all do this, we try to bring all glasses, plates, food and cutlery using our hands, teeth, ears and feet. Well, here’s a beautiful Moroccan Tray table to help us both carry items into the Sukkah and to proudly display them once it’s in. Small tip about this unique piece, it’s so pretty, you might just choose to not put anything on it, while inside and just adore the craftsmanship.

Prepare to be asked a lot about this gorgeous item - the gold O Washing Cup and Vase. This exclusive piece is a combination between a vase and a Nattla. It can do both and more, in much style. Place it on the table with cool drinking water and it turns into the center of attention. It’s elegant and stylish, to be used and enjoyed all year long, not just during Sukkot.

We hope you find what your heart desires in our Sukkot category. When we think about the people we love and carry heartfelt intentions, whatever we do brings good.

We wish you and your family a blessed holiday season. Enjoy these fun days and create memories that will keep you warm during the long time until Hanukkah!

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